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Coral Research Panama

This post was submitted to the 2020 QCBS symposium essay contest / Ce post a été soumis lors du concours d’essai du colloque 2020 du CSBQ

Original video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKxB-2gMEEA&ab_channel=NomadBiologist

Check out our coral research off Coibita Island, Panama. The research was completed during a course with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and was inspired by Sir David Attenborough. The footage was captured by Dr. David Kline and the video was created by MK Hickox and Julia Briand. The research project represents the collaborative efforts of Julia Briand, Sarah Chamberland, Alexis Heckley, MK Hickox, and Charlotte Steeves.

Post date: January 13, 2021


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