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Microaggressions: The big impact of little things


By María J. Cabrera-Álvarez

Sometimes there is more to conferences than the
official talks. Last January, I had the opportunity to travel to New Orleans
to attend the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative
Biology (SICB). Apart from presenting my results, enjoying amazing talks, and
discussing interesting research with poster presenters, I had the chance to participate in an interesting workshop called “Microaggressions: The big
impact of little things”. The purpose of the workshop was to raise
awareness of this problem in academia, as well as to hear the voices of those
that had experienced microaggression in order to prevent these situations from
happening again in our closed environments. The workshop started with a
presentation that introduced the term and its consequences, and continued with
a nice discussion in which the participants shared experiences and how they
dealt with microaggressive acts.

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Conferences are a great opportunity not only to talk research, but also the working culture in academia & what we can do to improve it. #tbt

Post date: July 13, 2018


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