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Yukon Wildlife Series by Juliana Balluffi-Fry

A Grizzly Feast. Working in bear country such as the Yukon causes daily precautions to be taken. We field biologists must have bear safety training and carry bear spray on us at all times. When we do get to view them from safety, it is always a treat. A common sight in the Yukon is to see bears grazing on flowers along the Alaska highway like this grizzly captured here.

Juliana graduated in 2017 from an undergraduate degree in Environmental and Wildlife Biology at McGill University, after which she spent the summer as a field technician in Kluane, Yukon for McGill research helping collect data on red squirrels and snowshoe hares. Now she is a master’s student at Memorial University of Newfoundland studying the role of ecosystem nutrients on both moose and snowshoe hares. You can find more of her photography on Flickr.

Post date: March 05, 2018


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